Essential Tips for Becoming an Outstanding TESOL Teacher

The global demand for TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) teachers has skyrocketed recently. While obtaining a TESOL certification is relatively straightforward, excelling as a teacher requires more than just credentials.

TESOL certification can be earned through traditional institutions or online courses. With certification in hand, native English speakers can find teaching opportunities worldwide, enjoy the chance to travel, support themselves financially, and make a meaningful impact on their students’ lives.

Here are some key tips to help you become an exceptional TESOL teacher, captivate your students during lessons, and help them achieve English proficiency more efficiently:

1. Foster a Student-Centered Environment

A successful TESOL class should prioritize the students rather than the teacher. This doesn’t mean students should disrespect the teacher, but rather that the classroom should be a space where students feel comfortable expressing themselves, asking questions, and engaging with their peers.

Avoid being overly authoritative or lecturing students. Remember, even if they’re struggling with English, adult learners should be treated with the same respect as anyone else. A great TESOL teacher creates an inclusive environment where students feel valued and heard.

2. Prioritize Student Speaking Time

If you find yourself dominating the conversation in your TESOL class, it’s likely that students aren’t getting enough speaking practice. Language classes should be designed to maximize student talk time. In private language institutes, students often enroll specifically to practice speaking, so it’s crucial to provide them with ample opportunities to do so.

Instead of focusing too much on minor grammar points, aim to have students engage in conversations and practice their language skills. This approach not only keeps students engaged but also aligns with the goals of a TESOL course.

3. Incorporate Games into Lessons

Games are an excellent way to make learning English enjoyable, especially for younger students. They capture attention and create a lively, interactive classroom atmosphere. No one enjoys a dull class, so it’s important to keep students entertained and engaged.

Consider using language games like Pictionary, Simon Says, or Scrabble. These activities can make learning feel less like a chore and more like fun. Even adults can benefit from incorporating games into lessons, as everyone appreciates a bit of playfulness in learning.

4. Avoid Over-Planning

While having a lesson plan is useful, over-planning can sometimes be counterproductive, especially with younger children. Kids can be unpredictable, and despite the best plans, things may not always go as expected.

For adult learners, structured lessons can be effective, but spending excessive time on detailed planning isn’t necessary. A flexible outline is often sufficient, allowing you to adapt as needed.

5. Act as a Coach and Provide Constructive Feedback

Teaching TESOL isn’t about rigid instruction or strict routines. Instead, think of yourself as a coach, helping students navigate their learning journey. Each student has unique needs, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Provide regular feedback, ideally on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Highlight students’ strengths and offer constructive criticism on areas that need work. The key is to be supportive and guide them in a way that fosters growth and improvement.

6. Use Humor Wisely

Some teachers adopt a serious demeanor, but this can create a tense atmosphere. Teaching English effectively involves a balance of instruction and enjoyment. While you shouldn’t be a clown, integrating humor and light-heartedness into your classes can make the learning experience more pleasant.

Incorporate fun activities and discussions that suit your students’ ages. Humor can help students relax, enhance their creativity, and make them feel more at ease in the classroom.

7. Embrace Creativity

Avoid letting your classes become monotonous or overly predictable. Strive to make learning fun and dynamic. Even when teaching grammar, avoid lengthy monologues. Keep your lessons engaging and interactive, and students will be more likely to enjoy and return to your classes.

In summary, becoming an exceptional TESOL teacher involves creating a student-centered, engaging, and enjoyable learning environment. By being creative, supportive, and flexible, you can make a significant impact on your students’ English proficiency and overall learning experience.