Top 5 tips for finding the right dental insurance company

With numerous dental insurance plans to settle on from it are often a frightening task to work out which plan is best for your needs or the requirements of your employees. And to notice, these needs are extremely important, as care should never be overlooked. Five tips may assist you to discover which plan is … Read more

What everyone needs to know about individual health insurance – Affordable health insurance plan

The discussion about health insurance will rarely cross your mind as long as you are employed. The group health insurance benefits that you have while you are employed are so easily taken for granted. There may come a time when a change or loss of employment may send you scrambling into the health insurance market place. You will have a lot of new decisions to make. You will have to educate yourself very quickly because there is only a 60-day window after separation from your…

The 7 most important things you should know about health savings account plans

A health savings account plan offers lower premiums and lower taxes for many individuals. Before switching to an HSA plan, however, one would be well advised to seek the counsel of an experienced benefits specialist who is familiar with insurance companies offering high deductible policies that qualify for HSA account participation. In some situations, the lower costs anticipated may not be realized, or may not be worth trade-offs necessary to achieve those savings.